Spring is a most popular application framework for enterprise Java.Millions of developers around the world use Spring Framework to create high performing, easily testable, and reusable code
Core features of Spring Framework can be used to create any kind Java applications, but there are extensions for building web applications on top Java EE platform.Spring Framework targets to make J2EE development easier to use and promote good programming practice by enabling POJO-based programming model.
Benefits of Spring Framework
- Spring make easty for developers to create enterprise-class application using POJOs.
- Environment-dependent code is included with Spring so it is easy to test the application which is written using Spring
- No new technologies are included in Spring but it is developed to make use of existing technologies like several ORM frameworks,logging frameworks,JEE , Quartz and JDK Timers, other view technologies.
- Spring web framework is well designed web MVC framework.Which provides greater alternative to web frameworks like Struts and other over engineered or less popular web frameworks
- By using JavaBean-style POJOs, it is easier to use dependency injections to inject test data
- Spring provides a convenient API to translate technology-specific exceptions
(thrown by JDBC, Hibernate or JDO)into consistent, unchecked exceptions.
- Lightweight containers tend tob light weight.especially compared to EJB containers.This is beneficial for developing and deploying in low memory and CPU computers
- Spring provides a consistent transaction management which can scale down to local transaction(using one database) or scale up to global transaction(using JTA for example)
Dependency Injection (DI)